Well the holidays are upon us and we are gearing up for the holiday rush, mainly Christmas time! We get so many families that come to our beautiful island during this time. So a word of advice if your thinking of fishing with us, is to BOOK AHEAD! Every year I turn away a large amount of people. I hand them over to a few charter co’s I think are good & trust.
Recently I booked a gentleman for a private charter and I ask like always how he had heard of our company. I like to track which avenues we our business is being generated from right? He started to chuckle and said we chose you based on your responses on TripAdvisor. Well that’s a first, mostly it’s customers reviews of us. I was hesitant to even utter another word and said “really”? He said “yep” and went on to explain that he simply liked the fact that I was upfront and honest. LOL I had to laugh and exclaimed to him that I just want people to feel the transparency of who we are as a company. Once in a while I have to stand up to guests who choose to be malicious and I will tactfully educate the reader of the truth. Hey we aren’t perfect but you will never ever be purposely disrespected by any of us. INTEGRITY, HUMILITY, & PROFESSIONALISM is what we are all about.
On the water! We have been getting out there a lot and catching some nice fish and most of all our guests are having a fun time with us. Please visit TripAdvisor for tried and true reviews on who we are and what we do out there. Also see our Facebook page where I try & keep the most recent pics posted.
Fishing has been really consistent to say the least, the ocean will ramp up here and there but we are doing our best to read mother nature and get out there keeping our guests comfortable and more importantly safe. Just because it’s Winter doesn’t mean it’s bad weather. Oh yes and if ya get here and see on the news that it’s going to rain pls remember that’s that is a general read for the whole island chain. Most every day of the year here on Kauai it will say 50% chance of rain, isolated showers. This means it will rain somewhere on the island not necessarily over our fishing grounds. Best thing is to just get on the books early on in your stay just in case we have to cancel due to weather. You can also feel free to call us HST and we will answer any questions or concerns you may have, it’s not a problem. Oh YES!! I can’t forget to mention that the whales are here. It’s that time of year again where they come to birth their babies in the waters off Kauai. Truly and amazing experience to be out there fishing and have a whale breech close to the boat!
We wish you all a safe, blessed, happy & peaceful holiday season,
Lance, Cynthia, Sutton, Gabe, & Makana Keener
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